Economic Impact | Monolith

Monolith: High-paying jobs in America's heartland

Monolith’s next-generation low-emission manufacturing positions Nebraska as the premier location for technology innovation. The entire region currently benefits from hundreds of jobs created and sustained by Monolith, and with a major expansion on the horizon, even more career opportunities will follow. Monolith’s Olive Creek 2 (OC2), will bring additional high-paying, high-skilled jobs to grow communities in Nebraska and beyond.

Total Business Activity

economic impact statistical data

Value Added

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Labor Income

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Employment Jobs

economic impact statistical data

* Since the full construction period may last more than one year, the term “job-years” refers to the years of employment. For example, it may be 4,729 jobs that last for one year or 2,365 jobs that last for two years.

Source: Dr. Eric Thompson (August 2024). Economic Impact Memo: The Annual Impact of Monolith on the Nebraska Economy under Current Conditions and After the Olive Creek 2 Expansion. Vol. 1, 1-6.

Source for all charts: UNL Bureau of Business Research Estimate